This pot (what is the best English term?, in Swedish I use "burk") has been in the family for a long time. Its history is uncertain. Maybe it comes from my grandmother's mother (farmors mor) and eventually used for coffee. Maybe it is a generation younger. I am pretty sure it is older than me with a big margin and I have seen it in all of my life time.
Look at the beautiful painting on the lid - painted in another epoch.
Nowadays it is mostly used for cookies. It has been used for a long time, is used, and can continue to be used. It can be used hundreds of years to come if well treated. Sustainability.
Photography: Again I explore the RawTherapee software to "develop" the photo from my Nikon D90 camera. I have only started to learn how RawTherapee works and what it can do.
Henrik Hemrin
17 June 2022
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- Kategori: Wisdom - Vishet
This kind of blue flower has a look of its own. It is a bergsklint, popular name perenn blåklint (according to a friend, both in Swedish). Insects like bees seems to like it anyway. And also an ant (or what is that insect?) explores a flower body on a flower without petals.
Photo equipment
- Camera body: Nikon D90
- Lens: Nikkor AF-S DX Zoom-NIKKOR ED 18-55 mm F3.5-5.6G
- A touch of RawTherapee in the darkroom
Photo details blue flower
- Aperture: 13.0
- Shutter: 1/250 s
- ISO: 400
- Focal: 32.0 mm
- Date: 4 June 2022
Photo details flower body with ant
- Aperture: 13.0
- Shutter: 1/250 s
- ISO: 400
- Focal: 32.0 mm
- Date: 4 June 2022
Henrik Hemrin
14 June 2022
26 May 2023: Updated with flower name.
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- Kategori: Wisdom - Vishet
This beauty in pink, only one of its kind nearby as far as I can see, is standing tall and upright as a stubborn beauty growing in between the cement slabs on an altan. Only few metres from the photo Ladder forget me not. Isn't it lovely!
Photo equipment
- Camera body: Nikon D90
- Lens: Nikkor AF-S DX Zoom-NIKKOR ED 18-55 mm F3.5-5.6G
- A touch of RawTherapee in the darkroom
Photo details top photo
- Aperture: 6.3
- Shutter: 1/250 s
- ISO: 400
- Focal: 35.0 mm
- Date: 4 June 2022
Photo details close-up photo
- Aperture: 6.3
- Shutter: 1/250 s
- ISO: 400
- Focal: 55.0 mm
- Raynox DCR-250 Macro conversion lens (mounted in front of the Nikkor lens)
- Date: 4 June 2022
As I write above, I have used RawTherapee to "develop" the raw photo. I have recently started to use RawTherapee, a free and open source software for raw image processing. It has very many features and I have only started to explore it. I intend to use this software in the future as my main raw developing software. If you use or have used but dismissed RawTherapee, tell me your thoughts (in English or Swedish).
Henrik Hemrin
12 June 2022
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- Kategori: Wisdom - Vishet
Rusty ladder laying on an altan of cement slabs with Forget me not flowers (right?) growing by its side. Not arranged, if you wonder.
Photo equipment
- Camera body: Nikon D90
- Lens: Nikkor AF-S DX Zoom-NIKKOR ED 18-55 mm F3.5-5.6G
- A touch of RawTherapee in the darkroom
Photo details
- Aperture: 3.5
- Shutter: 1/250 s
- ISO: 400
- Focal: 22 mm
- Date: 5 June 2022
Henrik Hemrin
8 June 2022
- Uppgifter
- Kategori: Wisdom - Vishet
It is spring, or early summer. It is a time full of life in nature. It is inspiring and gives hope to see all the beauty in the nature. Not at least as a break and hope when we have big global crises ongoing: The climate (and environmental) crises is ongoing as well as the so terrible and idiotic invasion of Ukraine by Russia that cause so much harm and death. And yes, other wars as well. And pandemic. And many many violations of human rights and democracy as well as the more personal issues we all have.
The nature gives hope and relax to the body and soul.
When I walked close to this tree, I could hear a lot of airborn insects and birds buzzling in and around the tree. There is a lot of activity! One of those airborn insects has landed and now works on one of the flowers, on the photo above.
The entire tree is right now so full of white flowers, and green leaves. It is a pleasure to rest my eyes on it.
Photo equipment
- Camera body: Nikon D90
- Lens: Nikkor AF-S DX Zoom-NIKKOR ED 18-55 mm F3.5-5.6G
- A touch of RawTherapee in the darkroom
Photo details top photo
- Aperture: 13.0
- Shutter: 1/160 s
- ISO: 250
- Focal: 55 mm
- Date: 4 June 2022
Photo details bottom photo
- Aperture: 11.0
- Shutter: 1/200
- ISO: 250
- Focal: 20 mm
- Date: 4 June 2022
Henrik Hemrin
6 June 2022
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- Kategori: Wisdom - Vishet
Jag tror det var P1 Vetenskapsradion som härförliden pratade om att plantera ängsblomster i trädgården, att de hade fröpåse men inte planterat påsinnehållet.
De funderade istället på att det är bättre att jobba med gräsmattan än mot den, vilket betyder att titta var det växer blommor i gräsmattan, och där det växer blommor låter man de blommor man vill ha kvar frodas just där (och slå sent och låta ligga och fröa av sig).
Den ena som pratade hade kommit på sig att hon ville ha blommorna på ett annat ställe, men insett att det är bättre att låta blommorna blomma där de uppenbart trivs. (Det behöver väl inte vara fel med fröpåsar heller tänker jag, men det kanske är smart att börja med det naturliga).
Vidare talade de om att man inte behöver städa trädgården, det är bara bra med lite "skräp", dvs gamla löv, pinnar och sådant.
En trädgård behöver inte vara "perfekt", den kan i delar bara få vara.
Henrik Hemrin
3 juni 2022
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- Kategori: Wisdom - Vishet
2 juni beslutar Regeringen om extra ändringsbudget om ytterligare stöd till Ukraina.
2 juni begär partiet som haft nyliga kopplingar till Ryssland misstroendeförklaring mot justitie- och inrikesministern.
Samma dag hakar tre borgerliga partier som är klart Nato-positiva på misstroendeförklaringen.
Samma dag säger Statsministern en för alla, alla för en, dvs om justitie- och inrikesministern fälls, så avgår hon och därmed Regeringen. Regeringen, som nyss lämnat in Natoansökan.
Tre återstående partier säger att man inte stödjer misstroendeförklaringen.
Nu hänger det på en riksdagsledamot som har under diskussion om hur hon ska rösta, bland annat beroende på hur Regeringen kan återbekräfta avtalet de upprättade i höstas, som inte har något med förtroendet för justitie- och inrikesministern att göra. Samma avtal som Turkiet har som en av sina underlag för att inte vilja ha in Sverige och Finland i Nato.
Vad man än tycker om insändande av Natoansökan och Turkiets agerande om densamma, så går det inte annat än att vara förundrad.
Henrik Hemrin
3 juni 2022
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- Kategori: Wisdom - Vishet
World Radio TV Handbook, WRTH, resembles of a phone directory. This 2022, the 76th edition, has more than 600 pages. It starts with a couple of radio equipment reviews and other articles. The book also contains many reference pages that are useful for radio listening. The majority part of the book are about radio stations, like this example below. Focus is on radio broadcating, especially in my eyes, although also TV is covered.
WRTH is well known to me from when I was younger and listened frequently to radio transmitted from abroad. At that time WRTH was published from Denmark. Now it has been published from England for many years. However, the editorial introduction to this year edition tells it is his last year and he hopes someone else will stand up and take over. I have no insights, but I believe there is a good chance #76 will not be the last one, maybe there will a delay.
With "from abroad", I distinguish between radio intended for international audience and domestic respectively. Today as I understand there are in comparison few international stations, as well as domestic, considering sw, mw and lw.
Many international stations existed when I was younger. Even multiple stations with shows in Swedish. One favorite was the Christian radio HCJB on 11 835 kHz (shortwave), located in Quito Ecuador. Their shows in Swedish had not only Christian content, but also a lot about Ecuador including daily news from Ecuador. Fantastic to get news directly all the way from Ecuador to Sweden! It became a habit to get fresh news from Ecuador.
Like many other I also litsened many times to the commercial Radio Luxembourg at 1440 kHz, 208 m, medium wave. They transmitted with very high power.
This to mention two of all stations; I tuned in to many other stations, from many countries.
Radio is a direct communication between two antennas over the ether (air), no intemediator in between; no service provider, no fibre or copper or anything else that can break or stop the communication. Ok, well, jammers can interfere the traffic. Signal qualiy over radio do vary a lot and quality is far from what is possible today with internet radio. But still it fascinates me that with relatively low power and simple equipment it is possible to transmit especially on shortwave around the globe. And that is also, of course, what private radio amatuers do.
The 2022 edition of WRTH is the first issue I buy for many years. It is nostalgia, of course. But I am also curious to read and get an overview of what the radio landscape looks like today. And not at least, it is an important and great reference to actual radio listening. I think this will inspire me to turn on the long distance radio a bit more again in the future.
Long distance radio listening as hobby is called DXing. It is, or at least was when I was younger, common to send reports to the radio station about signal quality, and in return receive a QSL card. The reports, sent by traditional mail, reported the quality according to SINPO; Signal, Interference, Noise, Phading and Overall. There are many clubs, like the Swedish Sveriges DX-Förbund, for those intererested in long distance radio listening.
Finally, one of the QSL cards from my collection: Radio Kiev in the Soviet era.
Henrik Hemrin
28 March 2022
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- Kategori: Wisdom - Vishet
Jag har läst många krönikor och texter av Rune Larsson genom åren. Han är en blandning av galen och jordnära person.
Mycket handlar om löpning. Galen såsom att springa tvärs över USA. Galen såsom att han har sprungit och vunnit Sparthalon i Grekland flera gånger, en liten löptävling på knappa 25 mil. Jag gillar Runes filosofi att man inte behöver krångla till det, man behöver inte komplicera löpning utan bara göra det.
Tex minns jag att han skrev en gång att blodpudding är bra mat för löpare med sitt järninnehåll. Och i samband med långlöparturer på träningsläger han varit ledare på (ni vet sådana där löparresor), att de stannar och fikar något gott.
Den här artikeln är en intervju, löpning, mm med Nils van der Poel. Ultrapasslöpning i lungt tempo är en träning (nu är nog lugnt tempo relativt, misstänker jag). Rune berättar att han och hans fru supportade Nils på en längre löprunda 2020, 16 mil, då Nils under löprundan käkade åt 4,5 kg risgrynsgröt (Nils köpte 10 såna där plastkorvar med gröt) och hamburgare på McDonalds.
Om du har lust, läs texten av Rune i Runner's world: Löpning en nyckel till Nils van der Poels OS-succé
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- Kategori: Wisdom - Vishet
En nyårsafton var jag i Gamla stan (Stockholm) vid tolvslaget. Jag var vid kajen, det var väl bakom det som varit ett tullhus och nu var en restaurang. I närheten stod Stenbäcks stora julgran. Vi var många som stod där. På en ponton ute i vattnet spelade Europe The final countdown.
Det är inte så länge sedan det tilldrog sig. Det var när vi senast bytte årtusende.
Det har faktiskt gått ett antal dagar och år sedan dess. Vad har jag gjort och varit med om alla dessa dagar sedan skiftet av årtusende?
Alla dessa vanliga och ovanliga dagar som är livet.
Gott nytt år!
Henrik Hemrin
31 december 2021
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- Kategori: Wisdom - Vishet