Foto taget från min balkong. Den visar ett träd, lekplats i sand, stenlagd väg framför huset, glastak på uteplatser med mera.

Foto: Henrik Hemrin

My publications. Text written below in same language as the publication itself. / Mina publikationer. Texten nedan skriven på samma språk som publikationen själv.

Global Compact as Protector of Human Rights in Business. An Analyse of Ethical Codes with Ericsson as Case Study

Spring 2008. It is my thesis from studies in Human Rights and Democracy. I have a University diploma. Free to download from this site (pdf).

Glimtar från bondelivet i Mistelås runt 1930-talet

Denna berättelse ingår i Värendsbygder 2021 (ISSN 0506-3566) och är en årsbok utgiven av Norra Allbo Hembygdsförening som kan köpas från deras hemsida. Jag har skrivit om boken på denna hemsida Böcker jag läst: Värendsbygder 2021.

Hacker Public Radio

Hacker Public Radio (HPR) is a pod station with shows produced by listeners and can be on any topics that "are of interest to hackers". My shows listed below.

hpr4071 :: Migration to digiKam as Digital Asset Management (DAM). I describe how I migrated from Adobe Photoshop Elements to digiKam as my photo catalog software. Aired 11 March 2024.

hpr4087 :: Getting started with the digiKam photo management software. I will give you some suggestions to getting started with digiKam based on my experience. Aired 2 April 2024.

hpr4106 :: My tribute to feeds. Feeds are useful to keep me updated with new information from websites I am interested in. Aired 29 April 2024. 

hpr4129 :: How I found Hacker Public Radio. Another podcast led me to Hacker Public Radio. Aired 30 May 2024. 

hpr4137 :: I used reisub key sequence to reboot my frozen Linux computer. A frozen Linux computer can safely be rebooted with the reisub key sequence. Aired 11 June 2024.

hpr4244 :: Two methods of digitizing photos. A brief discussion about two methods of digitizing analog photos. Aired 7 November 2024.

hpr4259 :: Why digitize photos. Two reasons to digitize photos is discussed: for a historical archive or for a personal collection. Aired 28 November 2024.

hpr4293 :: HTTrack website copier software. I use the HTTrack software to get my own copy of websites. 

- on the web since 1998!

Human beings are very much the same, all over the world. Individuals are different. Advocate of human rights and real democracy for everyone.

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