Yesterday did the first snow arrive at my home. It's only a thin layer, it's around zero so it has melted on the streets but the grass is still a bit white today. Earlier in the week I saw the first "Electrical Advent candles" (what's the english word) in the house opposite mine, although it's today a week to Advent.
Much can be said about Bush and his politics... but he arrived to China today and Sunday as it is, he went to a protestant church for the service- that was interesting. He also took a ride on a mountain bike.
I've tried to read this weeekend with some success mainly today. Finally it feels as I have passed the most hard and non-understandable parts of the book, now again it's more interesting. About females lifes, feminism, social justice, and universal values, written by Martha Nussbaum.
![Tennis lane, Norsborg [Photo Henrik Hemrin]](/images/hemrin-com/today/tennis-lane.jpg)
The best news today was that Bjorn Carlsson donate 500 000 000 SEK (62 000 000 USD) for research to save the Baltic sea! A rich man... "want to give something back to society...no use of the money when I'm dead..." Hurray! News in swedish
I've drinken another cup of fresh green chinese tea tonight, after my jogging before my studies. Still some left to enjoy, Coco!
TODAY 1st of November 2005.
Today I'm on study leave, studying human rights and democracy.
It has been a clear nice autumn day today. I have spent hours on school work.

![Gothenborg [Photo Henrik Hemrin]](/images/hemrin-com/today/Gotheborg.jpg)
First week at work after vacation is done. I was really exhausted on Saturday morning, of work and leisure activities, and adjustment to have a schedule for the days.
On Thursday 18th I went together with some ex-work-mates to see the new-old ship Götheborg. It's a replica from a ship made 1738 in Stockholm. Impressing. For more info and better pictures: The east indiaman Götheborg
![Biking [Photo Henrik Hemrin]](/images/hemrin-com/today/cykel.jpg)
Again, a photo from yesterday. Yesterday morning at the beginning of my ride to work, it starts with a 10 min ferry. Summer!
![Männö [Photo Henrik Hemrin]](/images/hemrin-com/today/manno.jpg)
Actually, this photo is from yesterday. In the evening, I took a a walk on Männö, an almost island in the lake Bornsjön a couple of km from my home. So close to the biggest city in Sweden, so deep green nature.
![Lamp [Photo Henrik Hemrin]](/images/hemrin-com/today/lampa-1.jpg)
![Valborg [Photo Henrik Hemrin]](/images/hemrin-com/today/Valborg-1.jpg)
Valborg - a celebration of and tribute to spring!
How many in the world are reel goodnatured humans in the respect they can give away material belongings of so much value it really matter for the own personal life, in favor for humans needing it more urgent? I have a theseis that very many, maybe most, will not but have an opinion that other [richer] should do it.
How can some humans be so raffinated egoistic so they do "everthing" that favor themself?
![Spring flowers [Photo Henrik Hemrin]](/images/hemrin-com/today/blommor-i-varbacke-1.jpg)
Flowers last weekend.
Still not working smoothly to update. Really cold winter day today, I am at home with a cold.
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