Flower [Photo: Henrik Hemrin]

Photos of flowers I have taken the last few days and weeks. Ordinary photos taken with my Nikon D90 DSLR camera.

Common flowers, but those specific individuals have never been seen before.

I have developed these raw photo files in RawTherapee, a free and open source raw developer available for Windows, macOS and Linux. It is overwhelming how many settings RawTherapee has. The drawback with all this freedom in settings, is that it needs effort to learn to take good advantage of them. On the other hand, photos are generally ok without any work. The possibilitiy to improve is a freedom to have.

Currently I use Corel AfterShot Pro 3 and Adobe Photoshop Elements 14 as raw developer. My plan is to replace them with RawTherapee as my deafult choice. Good documentation exist, forum exist as well, I have read very briefly. Today I have simply played with some settings without fully knowing what I am doing - of course RawTherapee in its basics have similar terminology and settings as similar softwares.

RawTherapee saves the setting in a .pp3 sidecar, so original is not affected. Nor any risk for conflict with .xmp sidecars from other software. I have read that RawTherapee has xmp sidecar in the development, if that happens it will for sure work, only to be careful with the settings for import and export of sidecar files between softwares.

With these photos, I will simply show that RawTherapee works!

Flower [Photo: Henrik Hemrin]

Flower. Samt picture as above, but converted to black and white [Photo: Henrik Hemrin]

Flowers [Photo: Henrik Hemrin]

Henrik Hemrin

8 May 2022

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